
Extracting water from the air

The air carry between 6gr and up to 55gr of water/Kg of Air. By moving 900ton of Air (with our standard unit) will divide an average of 2,700Kg of water per hour, 65ton water per day.

In California, with a low relative humidity, we increased air intake of 2,700ton per day.


The Principle  Diagram

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Solar Powered Atmosphere Water Generation

Water procurement through the use of ultra efficient refrigeration technology for condensation of the air.

• Totally independent from groundwater resource
• Provides unlimited water resourse
• No negative effects on the environment
• Avoids Transportation and Storage of water to a great extent as water is produced at the point and time of use and above all;
• It does not required energy from the grid

Clear air contains water; one estimate of the volume of water in the atmosphereat any one time is about 4,100 cubic miles (mi3) or 15,900 km3, about 0.001% of the total Earth’s water volume of about 332,500,000 mi3(1,385,000,000 km3).

If all of the water in the atmosphere rained down at once, it would only cover the globe to a depth of 2.5 centimeters, about 1 inch and we have it fresh and complete new every 9 days, already desalinated.

The EAWD – AWG operation seeks to follow this principle and without negative impact at the environment.


Water Shortage

Countries that are home to 25% of Earth’s population face an increasingly urgent risk – the prospect of running out of water. 47% of the world population is going to experience water scarcity by 2030

Climate change heightens this risk

Rainfall becomes more erratic – and the water supply becomes less reliable.
As the days grow hotter, more water evaporates from reservoirs just as demand for water increases.


National Geographic  Mapping

Mapping the world’s water shortages

Human water consumption has soared. In some parts of the planet, the demand is greater than rivers or groundwater can sustain.
Schoolbooks show a simple picture of the water cycle—water evaporates from the ocean, drifts in clouds over land, falls as rain, flows in rivers to the sea—that is no longer accurate. Humans intrude on the cycle now: Each year we extract 4,000 cubic kilometers of water, eight times more than a century ago. We consume it in kitchens and bathrooms, factories and power plants; we use it to irrigate our crops. Growing populations and aspirations drive a growing demand for water.

ROI – Profitability  – Mexico Project

The formula to calculate is:
Power Consumption x Cost of electricity / Water production rate= Water production cost.

Water Scarcity Clock

Supported by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development


Press Release

Energy and Water Development Corp. (EAWD) is Committed to Providing Wider Access to Much Needed Clean Water Through its Innovative Technology

Energy and Water Development Corp. (EAWD) is Committed to Providing Wider Access to Much Needed Clean Water Through its Innovative Technology

Energy and Water Development, a green-tech engineering solutions company focused on delivering water and energy to extreme environments, is looking…
Energy and Water Development Corp. (EAWD) Announces Filing U.S. National Stage Application Aligning with The Company’s International Applications

Energy and Water Development Corp. (EAWD) Announces Filing U.S. National Stage Application Aligning with The Company’s International Applications

The U.S. National Stage patent application is part of the company’s strategic initiative to secure its intellectual property on a…
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Eco Energy  Solutions

To cope with water scarcity, generate clean energy dealing with the actual waste problem, benefits without harming the planet.
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